Go Bush Hub Bowls
Short Mat Bowls is great fun for all ages and skills.
We set out mats on the main hall floor and bowl at a smaller white bowl known as the Jack but the special feature is the block of wood placed in the middle of the mat so that you have to bowl round it! Those whose bowls get nearest the Jack secure the most points also known as “good wood”.
You do not need to have played before, we have people on hand who are only too willing to introduce you to the game, and provide all the help that you need, (you do not even need at the initial stages your own bowls – we have sets on hand that you can use) our only requirement is that you wear flat shoes on the mats.

Thursday 1pm to 3pm
Pre-booking is essential – please ring or email to book a place.
If the maximum has been reached we will have a reserve list.
COST: £3.50 per session
This activity is run by the centre so all our staff will be able to help you
Phone: 01582 422818 (Bushmead Community Hub)
E-mail: ask@bushmeadhub.co.uk
Emphasis is on fun and meeting friends old and new. Beginners are always made to feel welcome as one of the bowlers will always offer guidance and support. Tea and biscuit’s are offered halfway through the session, I especially like hobnobs!
The Bushmead hub is such a friendly and local environment to play bowls and meet like minded people from different backgrounds. Bowling keeps keep me active and fit. It’s also great value!