If for any reason you are unhappy with any of Bushmead Community Centre services, the following tells you what you can do to help (name of organisation) improve its service to you.
Not satisfied?
Talk or write to the person responsible for providing the service, so that your problem may be dealt with immediately.
Still not happy?
Put your complaint in writing to the reception, or, if your complaint is against that person, the Chair of the Trustees chair@bushmeadhub.co.uk
What will happen next?
In normal circumstances, you will receive a written reply within 10 working days of receipt of your complaint.
Still not satisfied?
Write to David Coupe, the Chair of Trustees, asking that the matter be placed on the agenda of the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. Such a request will, in normal circumstances, be acknowledged within 5 working days of receiving it.
What happens then?
The Board of Trustees at its next meeting will discuss the complaint and David Coupe, Chair of Trustees, will then reply to you within 5 working days of the meeting. The decision of the Board of Trustees will be final.